RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)


The IT Center operates high performance computers in order to support researchers from all German universities including institutions from RWTH Aachen University.

All machines are integrated into one “RWTH High Performance Computing" cluster running under the Linux operating system.

General information about usage of the RWTH High Performance Computing is described in this area -  whereas information about programming the high performance computers is described in RWTH High Performance Computing - Parallel Programming.

All members of the RWTH Aachen University have free access to the RWTH High Performance Computing. However, the amount of resources they can use is limited.

Above a certain threshold applications for more resources have to be submitted which then are reviewed. This application process is also open to external German scientists in institutions related to education and research. Please find related information here.

Please find information about how to get access to the system here.

General information about the High Performance Cluster can be found on our landing page.