Sie befinden sich im Service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Using Computing Time Projects

Using Computing Time Projects

This page provides information about how to utilize your computing project resources and manager project members.

For any of these actions, you will need your computing project ID, which is provided in the approval e-mail of your application. Alternatively, you can find your project ID in the JARDS web portal.

Table of Content

Spending Computing Time

To submit a job that will be billed to your project, include the following SLURM parameter in your batch script:

#SBATCH -A <project-id>

Please carefully read the page about accounting of computing time.

Project Storage

Each project receives project storage space on the file system. You can use this space to work collaboratively with others. The project storage is located at:


You can find more information about project storage on the dedicated page.

Managing Project Members

Each project has an associated UNIX group of the same name, which allows for the management of project members. Everyone who is part of the group is allowed submit a computing job and access the project storage space.

Within a group there are the following roles:

  • Owner: The person of contact (PC) administering the computing time project assumes and permanently holds this role by default. They can add other members and managers.
  • Managers: Individuals with the ability to manage group membership, including adding or removing members and managers.
  • Members: Standard participants of the group. Members can always leave a group at their discretion.

 The group is managed with the command-line tool member. Key commands include:

Adding members

member add --name <project-id> <user-id>

Removing project members

member delete --name <project-id> <user-id>

Assigning and revoking manager roles

member add/delete --manager --name <project-id> <user-id>

Displaying affiliations with group

member show --name <project-id>

Viewing your own group affiliations

member finger

You can find additional information about the tool by using member --man. Please note, executing these commands may prompt you for your password, though subsequent password requests will not be immediate.

For newly added members to fully integrate into the group, initiating a new connection to the cluster is necessary.

End of a Project

Upon the completion of a project at the end of its period, two important processes come into effect:

  1. Any unused computing time will be forfeited.
  2. Access to the project's storage space will expire 8 months after the project's conclusion. Please transfer any relevant data within this timeframe. In case you need more time get in contact with us.

See also

zuletzt geändert am 07.01.2025

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