FAQ - RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

FAQ - RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Can I get a different login shell?
Can I get more than one account for the RWTH High Performance Computing?
Can I install a software in my $HOME and share it with other people?
How can I share data with other users?
How can I transfer files to and from the RWTH High Performance Computing?
Can I leave the rzcluster mailing list?
I get an error message like "User <ab123456>: Pending job threshold reached. Retrying in 60 seconds..." while submitting a job. What can I do?
I have a student or partner who needs to use a software on the RWTH High Performance Computing but usage is ristricted to my institute.
My job does not start with the error "/usr/bin/env: zsh : No such file or directory"
Where can I find the software XYZ?
Where can I see my recently finished jobs?
Which software packages are available?
Can I use Docker on the Cluster?
Who is allowed to use the RWTH High Performance Computing?
Why can't I see my work directory in the output from "ls -l /work/"?
Why does my job not start?