Sie befinden sich im Service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Slurm Commands

Slurm Commands



All Commands have been anonymized to the best technical capabilities of the system, while still maintaining the expected features from Slurm intact. Users should therefore not be able to see external jobs, users, or projects.


Compute Job Submission

We strongly recommend users to use a batch script for final computations and submit them with sbatch <BATCH_SCRIPT> <OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS>.

A batch job using a script called "" that runs your program can be submitted like this:

sbatch -n 1

Job script skeleton

You can use this simple skeleton as a start for your jobscript. The script starts with a zsh shebang (we only support zsh).


### SBATCH Section
# Slurm arguments need to be at the beginning of the jobscript
#SBATCH -n 1

### Your Program Section
# Your program goes here, in the second part of the jobscript
srun hostname

After submitting your job script, you will obtain a job id from Slurm. This job id is important to identify your batch job, cancel it, and for support tickets.

Job Cancellation

To cancel your batch job any time, you can use the command scancel <JOBID>

scancel 12345678

Job Monitoring

Please Note: The commands squeue, sinfo and spart must not be used for high frequency monitoring of jobs. If you want to use these commands in a periodic manner, please execute them at most once every 2 minutes.

The command squeue --me displays your running and pending jobs. You can also see your jobs with:

squeue -u $USER

To show the expected start time (estimate not guaranteed):
squeue --me --start

To see all the available partitions (detailed information here):


        c18m       2737  59520   1104   2574     20   1240 ||      3     48    187 
    c18m_low       2737  59520    336     96     20   1240 ||      3     48    187 
c18m_verylow       2737  59520      0      0     20   1240 ||      3     48    187 
        c18g       1330   2592     40   8641      8     54 ||      3     48    187 
    c18g_low       1330   2592      0      0      8     54 ||      3     48    187 
c18g_verylow       1330   2592      0      0      8     54 ||      3     48    187 
        dgx2         54     96      0      0      0      2 ||     24     48   1508 
    dgx2_low         54     96      0      0      0      2 ||     24     48   1508 
dgx2_verylow         54     96      0      0      0      2 ||     24     48   1508 
          ih       2898   3360      0      0     66     83 ||      1     24     61 

                  YOUR PEND PEND YOUR    DEFAULT    MAXIMUM 
                   RUN  RES OTHR TOTL   JOB-TIME   JOB-TIME 
   COMMON VALUES:    0    0    0    0    15 mins    30 days 

Job Efficiency

After a job has finished, you can get a job efficiency report. This provides information about CPU Efficiency and Memory Efficiency. The command is:

seff JOBID

which shows the output

Job ID: 12345678
Cluster: rcc
User/Group: ab123456/ab123456
State: CANCELLED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 48
CPU Utilized: 10:04:49
CPU Efficiency: 34.81% of 1-04:57:36 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:36:12
Memory Utilized: 164.03 GB
Memory Efficiency: 89.73% of 182.81 GB

Basic Job Parameters

Short and long parameters:

Please consider the following example for arguments that can be used:

  • -c <numcpus> is the shortform
  • --cpus-per-task=<numcpus> is the long form

Please remark that the shortform expects a blank after the parameter while the long form expects a '='.

They are both used as optional arguments on the sbatch command or as part of job scripts.

Parameters first

The Slurm parser stops parsing the #SBATCH directives if it hits a line with a 'normal' command, i.e. a line that isn't empty or starts with #. All following parameters will be completely ignored.



#SBATCH -J "my jobname"

The jobname will not be set in this case. Should you experience batch arguments being ignored by Slurm, please also double-check for spelling mistakes in both your parameters and arguments. Coming across expressions like --accnt=rwth0000 or --output=namewith blanks.%J will cause the Slurm parser to terminate and ignore subsequent #SBATCH directives. Be advised that indentation of #SBATCH directives is not supported.


  • -c, --cpus-per-task=<numcpus> for OpenMP/Hybrid

  • -n, --ntasks=<numtasks> for Processes/MPI

  • --ntasks-per-node=<numtasks>

  • -N, --nodes=<numnodes>

Job Name

Please avoid using special characters, only alphanumeric are recommended! You can use special Slurm flags like %J for the Job ID-J --job-name=<jobname>  


  • --mem-per-cpu=<size> Memory needed per allocated CPU, which can be more than the ordered tasks (hybrid jobs!) # PLEASE DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING OPTION: --mem=<size> memory needed per NODE

Output Files

  • -o, --output=<filename>   Do not use ~ or variables like $HOME as path of to output files! use explicit names /home/ab123456   

  • -e, --error=<filename>    We do not recommend to use this, analyzing problems is easier, if STDERR is merged into STDOUT

Wall Clock Limit

  • -t, --time=d-hh:mm:ss

Submitting with a project

To bill the computing time to a specific computing time project, use the following option

  • -A, --account=<project-id>

Replace <project-id> with the ID of the computing time project. Mind that you need to be a member of the project to use it.

If not otherwise specified, this option will set the partition to the default of the project.

Submitting a GPU job

# request one gpu per node

  • --gres=gpu:<type>:1

# request two gpus per node

  • --gres=gpu:<type>:2

# request two volta gpus (CLAIX18)

  • --gres=gpu:volta:2

The right partition will be chosen for you, you do not need to request a partition.

Submitting to specific partition

In general it is not required or recommended to submit a job to a specific partition, since the selection is driven by the project and/or the specified job requirements. However, in some cases (e.g., performance analysis of specifice hardware) it might be relevant.

# select a partition

  • -p <partition>

A list of partitions can be found here or you can use the sinfo or r_wlm_usage -p <project> -q.

BeeOND (BeeGFS On-Demand)

All our compute node have local SSDs integrated. In contrast to network file systems like $HOME, $WORK or the parallel file system $HPCWORK these SSDs are local devices. Thus, a job making use of them might benefit from this local devices in terms of performance. Furthermore, the performance might be much better for jobs using many small files compared to the performance on $HPCWORK.

In order to make use of these local SSDs in multiple node jobs you can use BeeGFS On-Demand (BeeOND) by adding the following line your batch script:

#SBATCH --beeond

Please Note: The job will become exclusive. This means that all cores of every allocated node will be allocated to this job. Therefore increasing your consumption of corehours.

This will set up a shared, temporary (!) BeeGFS file system across all nodes allocated for your job, which means the data can be accessed by each process (e.g., MPI rank) from any node involved. You can access the file system using the path stored in the environment variable $BEEOND.

Please Note: It is a temporary file system which only lives as long as your batch job is running. All data will be deleted in the epilog of the batch job. Thus, you have to copy back all relevant data to $HOME, $WORK or $HPCWORK in your batch job.

Since BeeGFS is a parallel file system you can influence the striping of the file, where a stripe of 1 means to keep local to the current node and a stripe of n means a distribution of the file to n nodes (i.e., n SSDs). The distribution is done with a specified chunk size. For instance, you can change the striping to 16 and the chunk size to 1 MB by using the following command:
beegfs-ctl --setpattern --numtargets=16 --chunksize=1m

The numtargets must not be higher than the amount of involved compute nodes.

A typical workflow for you job might be as following:

  1. Request a BeeOND file system by adding #SBATCH --beeond to your batch script.
  2. Copy the required raw data to $BEEOND.
  3. Change the directory to the corresponding directory (e.g., cd $BEEOND/yourdata).
  4. Start the preprocessing of your job (e.g., the domain decomposition).
  5. Start your application.
  6. Copy back all relevant (and only the relevant!) data/results. This is very important, because you cannot access the data after the job or from any other not (e.g. a login node).


Further Information


zuletzt geändert am 08.04.2024

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