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LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics (MD) code, see

A general overview of LAMMPS is given in the intro section of the official LAMMPS documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. General information
  2. How to access the software
  3. Example batch scripts


General information

lamp: a device that generates light, heat, or therapeutic radiation; something that illumines the mind or soul --

In the HPC Cluster, LAMMPS is build from source in multiple versions. By default GCC and OpenMPI are used.

How to access the software

You have to load additional modules until you can load LAMMPS:

module load foss/2021a
module load LAMMPS/23Jun2022-kokkos
Available LAMMPS versions can be listed with module spider LAMMPS. Specifying a version will list the needed modules: module spider LAMMPS/23Jun2022-kokkos

Example batch scripts

MPI Parallel Job:


### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Request 12 processes, all on a single node
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=12

### Load required modules
module load foss/2021a
module load LAMMPS/23Jun2022-kokkos

### start the MPI binary

zuletzt geändert am 09.09.2024

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