Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
Initialize the environment with either Intel:
module load intel-compilers/2022.1.0
module load Boost/1.79.0
Or initialize the environment with GCC:
module load GCC/11.3.0
module load Boost/1.79.0
Available Boost versions can be listed with module spider Boost
. Specifying a version will list the needed modules: module spider Boost/1.79.0
This will set the environment variable $BOOST_ROOT
. $BOOST_ROOT/lib/boost/
and $BOOST_ROOT/include
can be used for compiling and linking. Most Boost libraries are header-only: they consist entirely of header files containing templates and inline functions, and require no separately-compiled library binaries or special treatment when linking.
However, the following Boost libraries are built separately and must be linked explicitly:
atomic, chrono, context, date_time, exception, filesystem, graph, graph_parallel, iostreams, locale, math, mpi, program_options, python, random, regex serialization, signals, system, test, thread, timer, wave.
E.g. in order to link, say, the Boost.MPI library you have to add the -lboost_mpi
flag to the link line and so forth.