You are located in service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Installed Software

Installed Software


This page illustrates in which section of the module system you can find the software that you need. Please notice that the usage of most of these products is subject to license fees. More details are available in the Software Portal. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need other software products.


The stars indicate who is allowed to use the software; the links on the software name lead to addtional information regarding the software.

  • no star - everyone can use this software.
  • (grüner Stern) software is restricted to members of the RWTH University, external users - like members of the FH Aachen, the Research Center Jülich, etc. are NOT allowed to use this software.
  • (Stern) software is restricted to employees and / or institutes, which means students are NOT allowed to use this software.
  • (roter Stern) this software needs an additional user registration or a special license.
  • (blauer Stern) you need special rights in order to use this software.

To get more information, please contact our ServiceDesk.

Almost all of our software has been categorized. We offer the following categories:

Each software can be part of multiple categories. This is not an exhaustive list. If in doubt search for a module with: module spider NAME


  • ARMForge
  • Boost
  • Clang
  • CMake
  • GCC
  • GDB
  • git
  • git-lfs
  • hwloc
  • iccifort
  • impi (Intel MPI)
  • intel-compilers
  • Java
  • LLVM
  • NAG
  • NCCL
  • netCDF
  • netCDF-Fortran
  • Ninja
  • OpenMPI
  • PnetCDF
  • Python
  • Qt5
  • R
  • SCons
  • Tcl
  • Tk
  • Togl
  • TotalView
  • Valgrind


  • CGNS
  • HDF
  • HDF5
  • netCDF
  • netCDF-Fortran
  • PnetCDF



  • ARMForge
  • CubeGUI
  • CubeLib
  • CubeWriter
  • Extrae
  • intel-compilers
  • likwid (blauer Stern)
  • PAPI
  • Paraver
  • Scalasca
  • Score-P
  • Vampir
  • VampirServer


  • ARMForge
  • CubeGUI
  • CubeLib
  • CubeWriter
  • HDF
  • HDF5
  • iccifort
  • intel-compilers
  • JUBE
  • netCDF
  • netCDF-Fortran
  • ParaView
  • PnetCDF
  • Scalasca
  • Score-P
  • tecplot360ex (roter Stern)
  • texlive
  • TotalView
  • Vampir
  • VampirServer

last changed on 07/23/2024

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