You are located in service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Status and Support

Status and Support

Status and Changes

HPC Change Log

We offer an up-to-date log of important changes to the HPC System:

We encourage users to read the change log regularly to keep track with possible changes that could break or modify the expected behaviour of programs.

You can also subscribe to the change log RSS feed stay updated:

HPC Maintenance Log

We also offer an up-to-date log of current known problems and upcoming downtimes due to maintenance:

You can use theRSS feed as well:



Support per Email or Ticket Portal

Users can contact us to request help with problems or ask questions via Email or our nice Ticket Portal.

If you have problems with specific Slurm Jobs, please provide any of the following available information:

  • Job ID
  • Filesystem Paths to Jobscript, Input and Output files
  • Screenshots

Monthly HPC Consultation Hour

We offer an online HPC consultation hour once a month, every four weeks, on the third thursday of every month at 14:00:

In the online HPC consultation hour, you can ask HPC related questions, explain your problems and obtain feedback and technical support.

last changed on 01/08/2025

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