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How to get an HPC account

How to get an HPC account


In order to obtain an account for the RWTH High Performance Computer, employees, students and partners need to register for the service "RWTH High Performance Computing" in the RWTH RegApp. A detailed documentation can be found here.

In short you need to:

  1. Register in the RWTH Identity Management System (IDM) in order to receive your username (ab123456) and then
  2. receive your personal HPC user account.

RWTH members, students and employees, are already registered and have their username (ab123456), with which they can provide their personal HPC account by registering the "RWTH High Performance Computing" service via RegApp.

After the HPC account is created, a password needs to be set in order to be able to log in.

External scientists can get an account after applying and having an approved computing project.

What is the RegApp?

The RegApp manages HPC users' service passwords and ssh-keys and offers multi-factor authentication on a voluntary basis. A detailed documentation can be found here.


last changed on 10/24/2023

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