Sie befinden sich im Service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Upload Files to the Cluster

Upload Files to the Cluster


If you would like to transfer data from your own system to our cluster, you have to use either the scp or the sftp protocol. Although data transfers are possible to or from any login node, we recommend that you use one of the systems, dedicated to the purpose of file transfers.

A single copy stream will probably achieve no more than about 80 MB/s. To get higher transfer rates you have to start several copy processes in parallel from one of the dedicated file transfer nodes.


Linux Clients

You may simply use the scp or the sftp commands to copy files from Linux to our cluster. However, especially if you have to copy a large amount of data, we recommend that you use an enhanced file synchronization tool like rsync that is able to resume the file transfer in case the network connection was aborted. Example use of rsync on a Linux system:

NOTE: The name of the computer node may be outdated. Check our Data Transfer Nodes site for available nodes.

rsync -a -e ssh /home/user/data

Windows Clients

If you would like to transfer files from a Windows system to the RWTH High Performance Computing cluster, you can for example use the free WinSCP program.

First, enter you account details:

NOTE: The name of the computer node may be outdated. Check our Data Transfer Nodes site for available nodes.

WinSCP Log In

Next, copy your files by drag and drop:

WinSCP moving files


Web Interface with HPCJupyterHub

To upload files to the cluster using the JupyterLab GUI, you can follow this method.


Transfering files usually requires the same connectivity capabilities of login to a normal login node.

zuletzt geändert am 05.02.2024

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