ORCA is a multi-purpose quantum-chemical software package. It features a wide variety of methods ranging from semi-empirical methods to density functional theory to correlated single- and multi-reference wave-function based methods. Environmental as well as relativistic effects can be taken into account. ORCA is the leading software tool in the calculation of spectroscopic properties of open-shell molecules.
Access to the ORCA module is granted to users who have agreed to the ORCA EULA. Please contact IT-ServiceDesk with proof that you agreed to the EULA, e.g. the email you received upon registering on the ORCA forums.
After you have been added to the orca
group you can access the software in the following way:
module purge
module load GCC/11.3.0
module load OpenMPI/4.1.4
module load ORCA/5.0.3
Available ORCA versions can be listed with module spider ORCA
. Specifying a version will list the needed modules: module spider ORCA/5.0.3
Upon loading the ORCA module, the executable can be called with the environment variable $ORCA
ORCA does not like NFS when running on multiple nodes. Thereby affecting both $HOME
and $WORK
. Instead please use $HPCWORK
to run your simulation.