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Provisioning of NAG stops on 31.03.2025!


The NAG Numerical Libraries provide a broad range of reliable and robust numerical and statistical routines in areas such as optimization, PDEs, ODEs, FFTs, correlation and regression, and multivariate methods, to name just a few.


General information

The following NAG Numerical Components are available:

  • NAG C Library: A collection of over 1,000 algorithms for mathematical and statistical computation for C/C++ programmers. Written in C, these routines can be accessed from other languages, including C++ and Java.
  • NAG Fortran Library: A collection of over 1600 routines for mathematical and statistical computation. This library remains at the core of NAG's product portfolio. Written in Fortran, the algorithms are usable from a wide range of languages and packages including Java, MATLAB, .NET/C# and many more.
  • NAG SMP Library: A numerical library containing over 220 routines that have been optimized or enhanced for use on Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) computers. The NAG SMP Library also includes the full functionality of the NAG Fortran Library. It is easy to use and link due to identical interface to the NAG Fortran library. On his part, the NAG SMP library uses routines from the BLAS/LAPACK library.
  • NAG SMP for the Xeon Phi Coprocessor Library: not installed.
  • NAG Parallel Library: not available.
  • NAG Toolbox for MATLAB: A large and comprehensive numerical toolkit that both complements and enhances MATLAB. The NAG Toolbox for MATLAB contains over 1,500 functions that provide solutions to a vast range of mathematical and statistical problems.

How to access the software

Depending on the version, you might have to load additional modules until you can load NAG

module load intel-compilers/2022.1.0
module load NAG/28.7lp64

Available NAG versions can be listed with module spider NAG. Specifying a version will list the needed modules: module spider NAG/28.7lp64

The NAG Toolbox for MATLAB is tightly integrated into appropriate MATLAB versions, so you do not need to load any additional modules.


See the Primer (Chapter 9)

zuletzt geändert am 29.01.2025

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