Sie befinden sich im Service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Storage Systems

Storage Systems

The CLAIX HPC system has several storage systems which provide file systems for users.


A highly available GPFS-based storage system from DDN offers a capacity of approx. 4 PB and a bandwidth of 80 GB/s (read and write) and is available as $HOME (with backup solution) and $WORK.


A high-performance Lustre-based storage system from DDN based on Exascaler5 technology provides 26 PB of capacity and 500 GB/s bandwidth (read and write) and is available as $HPCWORK. The storage consists of 8 nodes each with 238 HDDs and 20 NVMes. Operation started in 2022.


zuletzt geändert am 24.01.2025

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