First Steps in Submitting a Job
This guide provides a short tutorial on how to submit computing jobs to the workload scheduler Slurm.
Creating Batch Scripts
To submit jobs, you need to create a batch script containing both your computing job parameters and the executable code. You can create and edit these scripts in two ways:
- Graphically: Connect to the cluster using FastX, where you can utilize graphical editing tools.
- Command-Line: Connect to the cluster on the terminal and use a command line editor such as vim or nano.
The following section shows the batch script for a simple MPI job: | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | #!/usr/bin/zsh ### Job Parameters #SBATCH --ntasks=8 # Ask for 8 MPI tasks #SBATCH --time=00:15:00 # Run time of 15 minutes #SBATCH --job-name=example_job # Sets the job name #SBATCH --output=stdout.txt # redirects stdout and stderr to stdout.txt #SBATCH --account=<project-id> # Replace with your project-id or delete the line ### Program Code srun hostname |
The batch script is comprised of three parts:
- The first line is always a shebang that defines the interpreter. The cluster only supports the zsh shell.
- The next lines specify the job parameters (here lines 4 - 8). Each line starts with #SBATCH followed by the option that you want to set.
- As soon as a non-comment line is encountered, job parameters are no longer read in and the execution of the job is started (here line 10). In this job, each MPI rank prints their hostname.
Submitting the Computing Job
After specifying your batch script, you need to login via SSH to submit your job. Navigate to the directory where you created the batch script and use the following command to submit it to the job to the Slurm queue:
> sbatch Submitted batch job 12345678
After submitting your job script, you will obtain a job id from Slurm, which can be used to manage your job. To check the current state of your job use:
> squeue --me JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 12345678 c23ms example_job AB123456 R 0:02 1 n23m0023
Most importantly, ST shows the current state of your job. PD stands for pending and R for running. When your job is no longer visible in the queue list, then it has completed.
Note: The directory from which sbatch is called, will be set as working directory.
See also
- Submit Jobs
- Write a job script
- Jobscript examples
- Introduction to batch scheduling on hpc-wiki
- Slurm tutorial on hpc-wiki
- Official Slurm documentation