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ImageNet is an image database that follows the hierarchy of WordNet and provides images for every noun.


The ImageNet database is often used for deep learning and computer vision research.

We provide the full dataset from winter 2021, as well as the dataset for the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) from 2012.

As the use of the database is licensed, you will need an active ImageNet account. During the creation you have to accept the license terms.

To receive access, please contact the IT-ServiceDesk ( with a screenshot of the account page, where your access key and email address are visible. Afterwards, you may load the ImageNet module:

module load ImageNet/Winter21_whole

Additional available versions can be found with:

module spider ImageNet

and access the database under $R_IMAGENET .

zuletzt geändert am 23.07.2024

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