Sie befinden sich im Service: RWTH High Performance Computing (Linux)

Deregistering the HPC Account

Deregistering the HPC Account

Kurzinformation Quick Instructions

For more detailed instructions, continue below.

Prerequisite: you have registered for the service RWTH High Performance Computing.

  1. Login to RegApp
  2. Navigate to Registered Services → RWTH High Performance Computing → Registry Info
  3. Click Deregister and confirm this action on the subsequent page


You can deregister from the High Performance Computing services in the RegApp at any time from the Registry Info page, found below the service blurb on the RegApp Dashboard or via the menu ribbon (Registered Services → RWTH High Performance Computing → Registry Info):


Under the header Deregister: RWTH High Performance Computing, you can find a link saying Deregister:


Clicking this link and confirming the action on the next page will deregister you from the HPC services.


Your data on the HPC file servers will remain intact. Under the current Lifecycle Policy, this data is removed a year after the associated account was deleted.

You can re-register for your HPC account at any time, at which point you will instantly regain access to your data, provided no more than a year has passed since you deleted your account.


Some very old HPC accounts might still be managed in the RWTH Selfservice.

zuletzt geändert am 27.03.2023

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