You are located in service: Public Key Certificates

Manage your certificates

Manage your certificates


RWTH members can manage their GÉANT/TCS server certificates via the web interface


  • Access the web interface only from within the RWTH IP network.
  • User authentication occurs via Single-Sign-On.
  • Following functionality is available:
    • Apply for a server certificate, using a new CSR file
    • Renew a server certificate, using previously uploaded CSR file
    • Download server certificate only
    • Download server certificate with chain (recommended)
    • List own server certificates
    • List server certificates of own contact group
    • List server certificates of own domains (use button "SSL-Zertifikate in meinen Domains" und choose relevant domain from the dropdown menu)
    • The list can be filtered according to valid/rejected expired revoked/all server certificates (default is "valid")
    • The list of server certificates can be sorted according to expiry date or common name in ascending or descending order (default is "ascending expiry date")
    • Search for CN and SAN in a server certificate
    • Search for applicant, application number or certificate number
    • Revoke a server certificate
  • User permissions are based on CN/SANs resolution in DNS, data is sourced via the right-manager.
  • Certificates are issued/revoked
    • automatically, if the user is authorized
    • after moderation by an authorized network contact person
    • after moderation by the RWTH Registration Authority (RWTH RA)
  • Search under CN/SAN is dependant on network group membership
    • only "own" certificates can be found, if not a member of any contact group
    • within a subdomain, granted network contact  group membership
  • Notifications are sent via e-mail:
    • upon issue
    • at expiry (28 and 14 days before expiry)
    • upon revocation
    • in case an application needs to be moderated by the network contact  group members
  • Please address any questions or feedback to the IT-ServiceDesk .


Links to:

last changed on 05/10/2024

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