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Integrate DFN-LDAP as address book

Integrate DFN-LDAP as address book


You can configure Outlook to send digitally signed and/or encrypted e-mails.

These instructions were created using Outlook 2016 on Windows 10 (Latest update 23.04.2020).


Configure the DFN-LDAP Address Book (optional)


Why you might want to use the DFN-PKI LDAP Server:

If the recipient of an encrypted e-mail also has a DFN-PKI user certificate (most higher education facilities in Germany do), then you can send this encrypted e-mail without a prior handshake, i.e. exchange of digitally signed e-mails.


DFN konfigurieren 1


DFN konfigurieren 2

DFN konfigurieren 3

You define a new Address Book.

DFN konfigurieren 4

Your new address book is a LDAP Server.

DFN konfigurieren 5

The Servername is ""

DFN konfigurieren 6

This is just informing you that you need to restart Outlook, clicking on "OK" doesn't do it. You need to manually restart Outlook before you can use the new Address Book.

DFN konfigurieren 7

This tells Outlook to use a secure connection to the LDAP Server. With "Anzeigename" you name your LDAP address book, e.g. "ldap-DFN-PKI".With "Anschluss" you define your TCP Port to the LDAP Server, the value "636" enforces a secure connection.


Here you define the scope of your search within the LDAP (directory structure). Your widest search scope can be "ou=DFN-PKI,o=DFN-Verein,c=de".

DFN konfigurieren 9
DFN konfigurieren 10
DFN konfigurieren 11

This might be a good time to restart Outlook.


last changed on 04/28/2023

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