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HARICA server certificate chains

HARICA server certificate chains


These are the certificate chains for certificates issued by HARICA for server certificates that were requested via RA-Portal.


RSA KeySerial Number and FingerprintSubjectIssuerValidity
Root Certificate (RSA Key)

Serial Number: 00

SHA256 Fingerprint: A0:40:92:9A:02:CE:53:B4:AC:F4:F2:FF:C6:98:1C:E4:49:6F:75:5E:6D:45:FE:0B:2A:69:2B:CD:52:52:3F:36

Subject: C=GR,L=Athens,O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority,CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Issuer: C=GR,L=Athens,O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority,CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015

07.07.2015 10:11:21 GMT

30.06.2040 10:11:21 GMT

Intermediate Certificate

(RSA Key)

Serial Number: 

SHA256 Fingerprint: 4A:CD:8D:C6:02:0A:54:5A:85:89:43:A5:53:B5:E0:F3:FC:5B:85:9A:EA:17:46:65:0D:69:CF:12:10:F9:56:D8

Subject: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Issuer: C = GR, L = Athens, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015

X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


02.09.2021 07:41:55 GMT

31.08.2029 07:41:54 GMT

Intermediate Certificate

(RSA Key)

Serial Number:  1c:46:14:43:68:13:4d:5d:50:9d:0d:c7:ca:db:1f:b8

SHA256 Fingerprint: 9F:BD:88:69:45:FB:6C:B6:3E:EB:F1:10:77:DA:C9:80:E4:53:68:D2:45:8B:A5:EF:0A:8D:72:70:46:FC:D2:92

Subject: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA OV TLS RSA

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Issuer: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021


X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


19.03.2021 09:34:17 GMT

18.03.2036 09:34:16 GMT

Server Certificate

(RSA Key)


Subject: C = DE, ST = Nordrhein-Westfalen, O = RWTH Aachen University, CN = <FQDN>

Issuer: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA OV TLS RSA


X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


1 Year

Elliptic Curve KeySerial Number and FingerprintSubjectIssuerValidity
Root Certificate (EC Key)

Serial Number: 00

SHA256 Fingerprint: 44:B5:45:AA:8A:25:E6:5A:73:CA:15:DC:27:FC:36:D2:4C:1C:B9:95:3A:06:65:39:B1:15:82:DC:48:7B:48:33

Subject: C = GR, L = Athens, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Issuer: C = GR, L = Athens, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015

07.07.2015 10:37:12 GMT

30.06.2040 10:37:12 GMT

Intermediate Certificate


(EC Key)

Serial Number: 

SHA256 Fingerprint: 50:E2:7F:90:EB:6A:F4:95:B0:E6:EE:B6:55:CC:89:44:4C:27:D3:C9:5B:68:23:FA:02:AB:DC:95:F1:63:6A:E1

Subject: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Issuer: C = GR, L = Athens, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015

X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


02.09.2021 07:44:37 GMT
31.08.2029 07:44:36 GMT

Intermediate Certificate

(EC Key)

Serial Number: 6c:83:ca:c4:a6:92:f3:34:29:84:af:72:05:0c:8f:0c

SHA256 Fingerprint: 32:93:50:0C:AA:50:7B:1E:92:0A:44:1F:27:7B:AD:CB:B7:50:02:CA:EC:62:82:D2:3A:35:78:F7:81:7D:23:80

Subject: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA OV TLS ECC

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


Subject: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021

X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


19.03.2021 09:33:52 GMT
15.04.2036 09:33:51 GMT

Server Certificate

(EC Key)

 Subject: C = DE, ST = Nordrhein-Westfalen, O = RWTH Aachen University, CN = <FQDN>

Issuer: C = GR, O = Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN = HARICA OV TLS ECC

X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


1 Year

Generate the fingerprint of a PEM formatted certificate as follows:

openssl x509 -in <certificate.pem> -fingerprint -sha256 -noout



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last changed on 01/14/2025

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