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Managing mail accounts

Managing mail accounts


This article explains how you can set up, edit, deactivate and further manage email accounts for your domains in MailAdm.

  1. Display mailaccounts (default)
    1. Notes on the mailbox types
    2. Editing a mailbox
    3. Creating an alias
    4. Setting up full access rights
  2. Create account
  3. Open invitations
  4. Disabled mailaccounts
  5. Delete mailaccount
    1. Deleting
    2. Enter confirmation code
  6. Reassigned mailaccounts
    1. Reassigning
    2. Sending the coupon manually


1. Display mailaccounts (default)

After successfully logging in and selecting the domain to be managed, the “Show mailboxes” tab is displayed by default.
This is the first tab under the Mail accounts menu item and can also be selected manually via the selection at the top left.

The menu item Mail accounts displays all active mail accounts that belong to the chosen domain (e.g.


  • The search function (1) can be used to search for mailboxes by name.
    • The full e-mail address, the first name and surname assigned, the associated quota pool, the type of mailbox and the access status are displayed.
  • A mailbox can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon on the right under “Actions” (2).
  • A mailbox can be deactivated by clicking on the X symbol on the right under “Actions” (2).
  • The Status column (3) shows the inactivity status of mailboxes:
    • green (inactive for less than 90 days)
    • yellow (inactive between 90 and 180 days)
    • red (inactive for more than 180 days)
    • blue (full access rights have been assigned)
    • pink (there is a redirection to an external RWTH e-mail address)
    • gray (no login yet)
  • One can choose between the table view and the card view (4)...
  • ...and the coloums that should be shown (5)
  • By ticking the box (6) in front of the respective e-mail address, additional functions such as “Deactivate” or “Reassign” (7) can be called up.
    • By selecting several e-mail addresses, actions can be carried out for several addresses at the same time
    • E-mail addresses deactivated here can still be viewed in the Deactivated mailboxes tab and restored or permanently deleted there

I. Notes on mailbox types

  • Functional mailboxes
    • A functional mailbox is not the same as a distribution group.
    • For full access to a functional mailbox, delegate permissions must be assigned in addition to the e-mail address!
      You can find out how to delegate permissions under Setting up delegate permissions.
  • Room and equipment mailboxes
    • No delegate permissions can be assigned for resources!
    • It is not possible to log in to resources (e.g. via OWA)! These can only be integrated as an additional mailbox in the e-mail client.

II. Editing a mailbox

Once you have selected “Edit mailbox”, a new window opens. The process is the same for all types of mailboxes - personal mailboxes, functional mailboxes, room mailboxes and equipment mailboxes. However, there are additional editing options depending on the mailbox type.

Example view "Edit mailbox" (functional mailbox):

The following information can be edited / seen here:

  • First- and last name (only personal mailbox)
  • Display name (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
  • E-Mail / Sender address
    • The e-mail / sender address can only contain supported characters. Certain special characters, for example the plus sign “+”, are not supported.
  • Manage alias addresses
    • An e-mail alias is an alternative e-mail address that points to an existing user account.
    • Example:
      • The user "" wants to receive e-mails sent to "" as well.
      • If you create "" as an e-mail alias for "", the e-mails of both accounts will be delivered to the same inbox.
    • Created according to the following instructions
    • Any number of aliases can be created for an existing e-mail address.
    • It is not possible to create a domain-external alias!
    • Sample address:
      • Valid Alias:
      • Invalid Alias:
  • Redirecting option (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • The option "local storage only" means that no e-mails will be forwarded.
    • The option "redirect only" is the usual forwarding feature to another e-mail address. Your e-mails will not be available in the original mailbox anymore.
    • The option "both" means that your e-mails will be forwarded to another e-mail address and stored in the original mailbox.
  • Redirecting address (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • In this box you can enter an e-mail address, to which your e-mails will be forwarded.
    • The redirection address may also only contain supported characters.
  • Quota pool:
    • By clicking the arrow on the right end of the box you can choose the quota pool where the data of the mailaccount shall be saved.
  • Allocated storage:
    • The available storage for the mailaccount can be determined here. It may consist of several different quota pools.
  • Used storage
  • Send as (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • Here, you can fill in another mail account, which is then able to send e-mails in the name of the functional mailbox.
      • (only relevant for Outlook/OWA)
  • Full access (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • With this option, you can give another mail account full access to this mail account.
      • (only relevant for Outlook/OWA)
  • Throttling Policy
    • Here, you can define how many mails can be sent from the mailbox per day.
    • If a higher outgoing mail volume is desired for a functional mail account, this can be configured via this option.
      • This configuration is valid for 7 days and is automatically reset to the default setting after this time.
    • For example:

Option zum Setzen von Mailausgangsvolumen


III. Creating an alias

It may be necessary to create an alias address, for example, if a person's name changes and the display name of the e-mail address is to be changed.
The process should only be carried out once the name change is already visible in RWTH IdM. Once the name has been changed by the Registrar's Office or the Human Resources Department, this usually takes 24 hours.
The person concerned can view this independently in Selfservice under Personal data. The first and last name of the e-mail address are automatically changed at the same time.

To create an alias, you must carry out the following steps. First find the mailbox for which you want to create an alias and click on the pencil icon on the right under “Actions”.

  • As soon as you are in the Edit mailbox window, first copy the existing e-mail / sender address to the clipboard
  • Now change the existing e-mail / sender address to the desired new e-mail / sender address
  • Then click on the blue “Save” button
  • Now search for the mailbox with the new name and click on the pencil icon on the right under “Actions”
  • As soon as you are in the Edit mailbox window, open the Manage alias addresses tab.
    • Here you can see whether an alias address has already been entered
  • Click on the green plus symbol on the right-hand side of the screen
    • A black search bar opens in the middle of the screen
  • Now enter the old e-mail / sender address or paste it if it is still in your clipboard
  • Then click on the blue “Save” button
  • The alias address is now set up
  • By changing the original account, the new e-mail / sender address will be used as the primary sender address and outgoing e-mails should immediately go out from the new address
  • All emails sent to the old or new email address will arrive in the mailbox of the new email address
  • There are no changes to the login for the RWTH e-mail address

IV. Setting up full access rights

You can also configure delegated rights in the case of functional mailboxes that several colleagues should be able to access. However, it is easier to make these changes via MailAdm.

In MailAdm, however, you only have the option of defining “Full access” for the entire mailbox and the “Send as” right for the functional mailbox for reasons of simplification.
The “Full access” right includes the right to access the entire mailbox content of the functional mail account.

In the case of the “Send as” right, the person for whom this right is configured can send emails with the sender address of the functional mailbox. In contrast to the delegated rights, the recipient of this email can no longer trace who originally sent the email, as the attachment “[...] on behalf of [...]” is not included, only the sender address of the functional mailbox.

As soon as full access rights are configured, the mail account no longer needs to be explicitly included, but is automatically opened in the Outlook profile when a person with full access rights logs into the email system. In this case, it is also important that the “Download shared folders” option is deactivated.


2. Create account

New mail accounts can be created in the “Create Account” menu item.
You can choose between personal, functional, room and equipment mailboxes. The personal mailbox type is selected by default.

A personal mailbox is made for use by a natural person. Functional-, room-, and equipment-mailboxes are not meant for personal use, but only serve official purposes. An example for a functional mailbox could be The function of this mailbox would be the support of the service management for the secretariat. Functional mailboxes can be managed by several people.

When creating mailboxes, certain points must be filled in. The required information differs depending on the mailbox type.
If you have forgotten to fill in a mandatory field, you will receive a corresponding message and the creation cannot be continued until the field has been filled in.

Example view Create mailbox (personal mailbox):

Persönlicher Mailaccount erstellen

The following data has to be entered when creating a mailbox:

  • First- and last name (only personal mailbox)
  • Display name (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
  • E-mail- / sender address
    • The e-mail / sender address can only contain supported characters. Certain special characters, for example the plus sign “+”, are not supported.
  • Manage alias addresses
    • An e-mail alias is an alternative e-mail address that points to an existing user account.
    • Example:
      • The user "" wants to receive e-mails sent to "" as well.
      • If you create "" as an e-mail alias for "", the e-mails of both accounts will be delivered to the same inbox.
    • Created according to the following instructions
    • Any number of aliases can be created for an existing e-mail address.
    • It is not possible to create a domain-external alias!
    • Sample address:
      • Valid Alias:
      • Invalid Alias:
  • Distribution groups
    • In this field you can enter membership in one ot more distribution groups
  • Redirecting option (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • The option "local storage only" means that no e-mails will be forwarded.
    • The option "redirect only" is the usual forwarding feature to another e-mail address. Your e-mails will not be available in the original mailbox anymore.
    • The option "both" means that your e-mails will be forwarded to another e-mail address and stored in the original mailbox.
  • Redirecting address (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • In this box you can enter an e-mail address, to which your e-mails will be forwarded.
    • The redirection address may also only contain supported characters.
  • Quotapool:
    • By clicking the arrow on the right end of the box you can choose the quota pool where the data of the mailaccount shall be saved.
  • Allocated storage:
    • The available storage for the mailaccount can be determined here. It may consist of several different quota pools.
  • Full access (only functional- / room- / equipment- mailbox)
    • With this option, you can give another mail account full access to this mail account.
      • (only relevant for Outlook/OWA)
  • Throttling Policy:
    • Here, you can define how many mails can be sent from the mailbox per day.
    • If a higher outgoing mail volume is desired for a functional mail account, this can be configured via this option.
    • This configuration is valid for 7 days and is automatically reset to the default setting after this time.
    • For example:

Option zum Setzen von Mailausgangsvolumen

After entering the information needed, it is possible to connect the mailbox to an existing username (format: ab123456) from the Identity Management.

Account mit einem Benutzernamen verknüpfen

If the connection with the Identity Management is etablished immediately, a confirmation mail for creating a new personal mailbox will be send to the contact e-mail address of the username (format: ab123456).
If the connection with the Identity Management is not etablished immediately, it has to be done subsequently by the person that will use the personal mailbox.
To do so the Coupon-Code that is generated in the last step has to be redeemed at During this process the user also submits their username.

Mailaccount 4


3. Open invitations

Via the menu item "Invitations" one can find a list with all the coupon-codes, that haven't been submitted yet.
Additionally, you can find the following information for all of these coupons: last name, first name, e-mail address, date of the invitation, quota and the related quota pool.

Via the search field you can search for open invitations and "Delete" them, if necessary.

Einladungen löschen


4. Disabled Mailaccounts

If an RWTH e-mail account is not logged into for more than 180 days, this account is automatically deactivated.
Users will receive several e-mails as a warning before this period expires or before deactivation. If there is no response, the mailbox is no longer accessible to users for the time being.

You can deactivate e-mail inboxes manually by ticking the box in front of an e-mail address in the display mailaccounts tab and then selecting the “Deactivate” functions.
By selecting several e-mail addresses, actions can be carried out for several addresses at the same time.

All accounts that have already been deactivated are displayed under this menu item.

  • The search field can be used to search for deactivated accounts
  • By clicking on the rotated arrow symbol (restore), mailboxes can be restored if required
    • Deactivated accounts can be restored up to 180 days after the deletion date without any loss of data.
      After 180 days, recovery is no longer possible and the mailbox is automatically deleted permanently
  • By clicking on the trash can icon (delete), mailboxes can be permanently deleted manually if required

Deaktivierte Accounts


5. Delete Mailaccount

This manual describes the process of deleting of mail accounts.


I. Deleting

First, you must deactivate the mailbox via MailAdm as described in the last step.
Then search for the deactivated account in the "Deactivated mailboxes" list and click on the trash can icon (delete).

Account löschen


II. Enter confirmation code

A confirmation code will be sent to the contact e-mail address of the mail domain administrator.


To complete the deletion, you or the mail administrator of the respective domain must enter the deletion coupon code under Delete mailaccount

The picture shows the MailAdm option "Delete mail account"

Finally, the mailbox will be deleted automatically in all systems (Exchange and Identity Management).

  • Starting from this point of time, you cannot restore the mail account anymore.
  • It may take up to 10 minutes before the account is deleted.

Account is marked as deleted.

During this time, the status of the account under Disabled accounts is "deleted".


6. Reassigned Mailaccounts

You may also reassign functional e-mail-accounts to another person.

This process generates a coupon which is sent to the person who is meant to take over the account.
After the person has redeemed the coupon, the account will be assigned to them.
The old owner's access is canceled.

This tab is used to send such a coupon manually to a person.


I. Reassigning

To reassign a functional account, first navigate back to the display mailaccounts tab. Search for the desired mailbox here.
It must be a functional mailbox - see mailbox type. Then click on the corresponding symbol in the line of the desired account.

Selecting a single account to reassign

Should you wish to reassign multiple accounts at once, you can select the accounts that you want to transfer on the left and click the Reassign button.

Reassigning multiple accounts at once

By clicking on the Mails for Reassignment button, you will be able to verify which accounts are being transferred.

Checking which accounts are being reassigned

Neow, enter the e-mail-address of the person who is meant to take possession of the account and click on Next.


II. Sending the coupon manually

If you leave the field blank, no email will be sent. Instead, you will be able to find the coupon under the menu point Mail → Reassigned Accounts. This coupon can be sent to people manually.

Finding the coupon codes


last changed on 09/12/2024

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