You are located in service: RWTH-E-Mail

Recent Information

Recent Information


In this article you will find a brief overview of changes, restrictions and new features of the RWTH-E-Mail service.

Additional information can be found on the maintenance page.

The use of free Outlook apps is not allowed

The free Outlook apps currently available for Windows 10 and 11 and the Outlook apps on mobile devices (Android and iOS/macOS) synchronize credentials and e-mails with the Microsoft cloud.
Users are not informed that their data are also stored in the cloud.

For information security and data protection reasons, these versions are not allowed be used in the RWTH context. Integration of the mailbox in these Outlook versions is not supported.

We also strongly advise against the private use of the free Outlook apps.

Which Outlook versions can I use?

Instead, we recommend using the license-based Outlook versions (2016, 2019, Office 365) and the RWTH MailApp.

There are currently no security concerns here, as these applications communicate directly with the RWTH Aachen University mail servers and no data is transferred to the Microsoft cloud.


last changed on 01/02/2025

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