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Types of e-mail addresses

Types of e-mail addresses


This article describes the different e-mail addresses available at RWTH Aachen University.


Please note:

Usernames in the format (personal E-Mail-Adresses), (official E-Mail-Adresses) or (functional E-Mail-Adresses) are used only for logging in to your e-mail account. It is not possible to send or receive e-mails with these usernames.
The Login information provided in this article applies to all personal E-Mail-Adresses in the central domain and if the institutions maildomain is hosted on the IT Center's central Exchange system. If your organization hosts its own mailserver the login may vary. If you are in doubt, please ask the IT administrators within your institution for clarification.

Personal E-Mail-Addresses

All active users in RWTH Identity Management (IdM) are entitled to receive an RWTH e-mail address in the central domain. These e-mail addresses can theoretically be used for a lifetime.

RWTH Students receive a personal e-mail-address during the registration process in the Identity Management. The address has the following form:
If desired, RWTH employees can also receive an e-mail-address in addition to their official e-mail-address.
By default a e-mail-address is created for every employee after redeeming their Employee Coupon. Please make sure to check in IdM Selfservice whether you have already been assigned such an e-mail-address.
You will need to set a password for the adress, before you can use it.




  • The username for the e-mail account consists of your username (format: ab123456) from the Identity Management and the addition of the mail domain:



Official E-Mail-Addresses

Official e-mail-addresses are personal e-mail-addresses that are provided by the respective RWTH organization in a business context. They are usually located in the domain of the respective institute (e.g.: and are maintained locally by the IT Administrators or specifically the Mail Administrators in your institution.
Administrators for RWTH e-mail are at least all persons with the role Verwaltung RWTH-E-Mail in RWTH's Identity Management. If you do not know any IT administrators or persons with the role Verwaltung RWTH-E-Mail at your organization, you can ask a role manager at your organization.
These can be viewed in IdM Selfservice under Roles and groups / Role manager for your own organization.

An e-mail domain in the format is offered to every institute of RWTH Aachen University once free of charge upon request by the institute management. Further domains can be set up on request, but are subject to a charge.




  • The username of your e-mail account consists of your username (format: ab123456) in the Identity Management and the mail domain:  



This only applies if your official e-mail-address is hosted on the IT Center's central Exchange system. If your organization hosts its own mailserver the login may vary. If you are in doubt, please ask the IT administrators within your institution for clarification.


Functional E-Mail-Addresses

Functional e-mail addresses within the institute-domain (e.g. are locally maintained by Mail Administrators in your institution
Functional e-mail addresses in the domain (e.g. can be applied for at the IT-ServiceDesk. Be aware that the application for "global", functional e-mail addresses must first be validated by the IT Center.

Even though a functional E-Mail-Adresse can me administered by multiple people, one owner is entered for a functional e-mail account and the account is linked to their data in Identity Management.
If the functional e-mail address should be used by multiple people, this can be set up by the owner of the address via delegate permissions.


Please note:

If the owner will soon leave employment at RWTH Aachen University, please ensure that the functional account is reassigned to another person before that.



  • The user name for functional e-mail addresses consists of the e-mail address and the prefix "fkt_
  • e.g.: or


This only applies if your official e-mail-address is hosted on the IT Center's central Exchange system. If your organization hosts its own mailserver the login may vary. If you are in doubt, please ask the IT administrators within your institution for clarification.

Room- and Equipment-E-Mail-Addresses

Room- or Equipment-E-Mail-Addresses, summarized under resource accounts, are mail accounts that are assigned to a specific person. This includes the mailboxes.
Each resource account must be assigned a mailbox that has full access rights. Full access to the resource account allows the registered owner to manage the mailbox, e.g. to create appointments, to delete them, or to assign permissions to the mailbox.

Accordingly, such a mailbox cannot be accessed directly by logging into the RWTH Mail App (OWA), but only via the user mailbox to which it is assigned.
In the MailAdm, administrators additionally have the option to configure the Send as option. If this option is selected, the registered mailbox has the possibility to send mails with the sender address of the resource mailbox.

In addition to this option, the owner of the mailbox (with full access) has the option to configure delegate permissions in OWA. In this case, mails are sent "on behalf of". I.e. the recipient of the mail has the possibility to determine who actually sent the mail.


Additional Information

last changed on 01/02/2025

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