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Setting up delegate permissions

Setting up delegate permissions


There are several scenarios in which it makes sense to share mailbox content between colleagues. There are different approaches here:

  1. Delegate permissions
    1. Setting up delegate permissions
    2. Integrate a delegated mailbox
  2. Manual access rights
    1. Configure manual access rights
    2. Open shared mailbox
    3. Integrating a shared mailbox
    4. Removing an integrated mailbox
  3. Full access rights


1. Delegate permissions

This option is normally configured for personal mailboxes. In this case, the configuration of the delegate permissions is the responsibility of the person who wishes to define a delegate for their mailbox. Within this configuration, you can determine which rights the delegate should have and for which folders.


To configure access rights for substitution for a functional e-mail mailbox via Outlook, add the functional account in Outlook or set up a separate Outlook profile for the mailbox.


I. Setting up delegate permissions

Delegate permissions can usually be configured via Outlook.

To do this, start Outlook and then call up the menu item "File" with the option "Account settings" - "Delegate Access":

In the first dialog box, select the colleague who is to receive the delegated rights to your mailbox. Once you have done this, you can determine the user rights with which this person should have access to your mailbox in a second step.

Once you have done this, you can determine the user rights with which this person should have access to your mailbox in a second step.

  • (1) You can select the authorization level here.
  • (2) By activating this field, deputies will receive an e-mail with a summary of the assigned authorizations.
  • (3) By activating this field, substitutes can access your private elements.

If you assign “Author” rights for the “Inbox”, your delegate can also send emails in their name.

Due to several mail header fields, this mail is displayed to the recipient with the attachment “[...] on behalf of [...]”.

Your delegate now only needs to integrate your mailbox into their own Outlook profile and can access your mailbox content in accordance with the configured rights. If further folders and their contents are to be made available to the delegate, access rights must be explicitly configured for this. To do this, select the folder for which you want to configure permissions and then open the “Settings” - “Permissions” tab.


II. Integrate a delegated mailbox

To integrate a mailbox for which you have been granted delegated rights, please proceed as follows:

Select the menu item “File” - “Account settings” - “Account settings”.

There, select your mailbox with which you have been granted rights to a delegated mailbox.

Then select "Change" - "Further settings" - "Advanced".

The “Download shared folders” setting is selected by default. In the past, it has been shown that it is better to deactivate this option in the case of shared mailboxes.


2. Manual access rights

If you do not want to configure delegate permissions or full access to a mailbox, you can explicitly assign access rights to individual folders in the mailbox.

You can also explicitly assign access rights without having previously assigned delegate permissions or full access rights (in the case of functional mailboxes).


I. Configure manual access rights

First right-click on your mailbox to open the "Folder permissions" menu item.

In the new window, you can now add people and customize their permissions.

  • (1) Here you can select the person from your address book who should have permanent access to your mailbox.
  • (2) You can select the authorization level here.
  • (3) The authorization level settings are displayed here. You can also change or adjust the authorizations yourself if necessary.
  • (4) To ensure that the person to whom you want to grant permissions can also see your mailbox or folders, the "Folder visible" checkbox must be ticked.
  • (5) Finally, click on "Apply" and "OK". Your settings have now been applied and your deputy has permanent access to your mailbox.

However, to ensure that the people for whom you have configured access rights can access your mailbox, you must assign at least the “Folder visible” user right at mailbox level.

This setting means that folders to which a person has access are displayed in the case of the integrated mailbox. If this permission is missing, no folders of the mailbox can be displayed regardless of the individual permissions configured for the folders. Please also note that folder permissions are inherited by newly created subfolders.

The authorized person can now open and integrate your mailbox in Outlook.


II. Open shared mailbox

As delegate, you need to open the inbox of the person you are representing on every occasion, if you want to have access to it. 

For this reason we advise integrating the mailbox into your Outlook client. You can remove the integrated mailbox any time.

To open a shared mailbox, select “Open” under the tab “File”. Click on “Other User’s Folder”.

Delegation 7

Enter the name of the person, whose mailbox you want to open, in the new window and press “OK”. The other person’s mailbox will be visible now.


The mailbox of this person closes as soon as you click on a different module or your mailbox. To open it again, you have to repeat the process.


III. Integrating a shared mailbox

Open the module “File” and click on “Account Settings”.

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The window “Account Settings” opens. Click on your e-mail address and select “Change…”.

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Another window opens. Click on “More Settings…”

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Select the tab “Advanced” and then click “Add…” to integrate a mailbox.

* If a mailbox is going to be used by three or more people, we recommend unchecking the option "Download shared folders".

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Enter the name of the person, whose mailbox you want to integrate and confirm your entry by clicking “OK”. The name alone is sufficient here if it can be found on the exchange server. If this is not the case, an error message appears.

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Press “OK” to confirm your settings. The Microsoft Exchange window closes and the mailbox has been integrated.

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IV. Removing an integrated mailbox

To remove the mailbox, you proceed as described before, until you can remove the mailbox in the Microsoft Exchange window.

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3. Full access rights

In the case of functional mailboxes that several colleagues should be able to access, delegate permissions can also be configured.
However, it is easier to make these changes via MailAdm (access for email administrators only). To do this, please contact a responsible mail administrator in your organization.

However, for reasons of simplification, MailAdm only offers the option of defining “Full access” for the entire mailbox and the “Send as” right for the functional mailbox.
The “Full access” right includes the right to access the entire mailbox content of the functional mail account.

You can find instructions here.

last changed on 09/04/2024

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