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Suggested contacts and address autocomplete

Suggested contacts and address autocomplete


This article explains what suggested contacts and address auto-completion are in your email client and how you can manage them.

This manual was created using Outlook as an example, but other email clients also use suggested contacts or address auto-completion.


Some email clients memorize the email recipient address as soon as you have sent an email to such an email address. It does not matter whether the recipient address is incorrect or does not actually exist in this form.

As soon as the e-mail address has been “saved” by your mail program, it can appear as a suggested contact as soon as you want to send an e-mail and enter letters in the recipient address field. This function is activated by default.

Vorgeschlagene Kontakte beginnend mit dem Buchstaben L


Manage address autocomplete

If this function is deactivated for you and you want to activate address autocompletion, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on File at the top left.

Step 2: Then click on Options at the bottom left.

Step 3: Then click E-mail.

Step 4: Scroll down to Send messages

Step 5:  Here you can activate the option Suggest names when filling in the “To”, “Cc” and “Bcc” lines using the AutoComplete list (or deactivate it if you no longer want to use this function).


Deleting suggested contacts

If an incorrect e-mail address has been “saved” by your e-mail client, you can remove it again in the settings for suggested contacts so that it no longer appears in the address auto-complete.

Delete all suggested contacts

To delete all suggested contacts, go to the address autocomplete management again. Then click on Clear AutoComplete list.

This will remove all email addresses written to up to this point in time from the address auto-complete.
The next time you enter a recipient address, no more suggestions will be available until emails are sent again and the list fills up again.
Manually created contacts are not removed by this option.

AutoVervollständigen-Liste leeren


Delete individual suggested contacts

In newer Outlook versions, you can remove incorrect suggestions from the address auto-complete directly when entering the recipient address by clicking on the X symbol (delete) next to the respective entry.

This only removes this specific e-mail address from the address autocomplete.
The next time you enter a recipient address, this suggestion will no longer be available.
Manually created contacts are not removed by this option.

Vorgeschlagenen Kontakt entfernen


Additional Information

last changed on 11/28/2024

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