You are located in service: RWTH-E-Mail

Additional functions (Mail-Admin)

Additional functions (Mail-Admin)


In diesem Artikel wird erklärt was Sie im MailAdm unter dem Reiter Mail-Admin an zusätzlichen Funktionen finden können.

  1. Service accounts
  2. Logs for domain
  3. Logs by service accounts
  4. Quota overview
  5. Export mailaccounts
  6. instructions


1. Service accounts

In order to be able to automatically integrate the processes for maintaining mail addresses into the internal processes of organizations at RWTH, a corresponding SOAP-based API is offered in addition to MailAdm.

Via the Service accounts tab, you will find a link to the documentation portal for the RWTH E-Mail and Active Directory for workplace management services. There it is explained how you can access a SOAP API service using PowerShell.


2. Logs for domain

Here you can view the logs for your assigned domains.

You can set what you want to search for in the logs and the time period for which they should be searched.


3. Logs by service accounts

If you have integrated accounts under Service Accounts, you can view the associated logs here

You can set what you want to search for in the logs, the time period for which they should be searched and select the relevant service account(s).


4. Quota overview

The menu item Quota overview displays the various quotas of a domain. Sample-institution 1 and Sample-institution 2 represent two different quotas.
Multiple quotas are generally the result of multiple institutes sharing the same mail-domain.
The overview shows how much storage is occupied, how much has been assigned and how much space can still be assigned.
In the event that there is insufficient storage, it is possible to increase the size of the quota.



5. Export mailaccounts

The menu item "Export" offers the possibility to export a CSV-file (as per ISO-8859-1) including all mail accounts.
The file contains information like last name, first name, primary mail address, type of mailbox, etc.


6. Instructions

Here you will find further documentation on accessing the API and the class documentation.


last changed on 09/12/2024

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