You are located in service:RWTH-E-Mail

General information



The service "RWTH-E-Mail" is a managed IT-Service of the IT Center that supports cross-organizational communication at the RWTH Aachen.

In addition to providing general e-mail functionality, the service includes:


Who can use the service “RWTH-E-Mail”?

All active users in RWTH Identity Management (IdM) are entitled to receive an e-mail address in the central domain, which can theoretically be used for the rest of their lives. The process may vary depending on the status.

RWTH students and employees can thus access their personal e-mail address, receive e-mails relevant to their studies, send e-mails and use other e-mail functionalities.

Mail administrators can also manage e-mail addresses of their own organization(s).


How can I access the service “RWTH-E-Mail”?

To access the “RWTH-E-Mail” service, you can use the RWTH MailApp ( or integrate your RWTH e-mail address into a supported e-mail client.

You can find out how RWTH students and employees can log in to “RWTH-E-Mail” here.

How mail administrators manage e-mail addresses of their own organization(s) can be found here.