You are located in service: Backup & Restore

Adjust backup start time

Adjust backup start time


The time of the backup is set to 6 p.m. by default via the server schedule.
Apart from that, the backup job can be paused and restarted at any time.

However, backup admins have the option to adjust the backup start time of a group. The newly set backup time is then applied to all systems in the group.


For Groups:

  1. To adjust the backup time of a group, please navigate from 'Manage' to 'Server groups' in the Commvault Console.

Adjust backup time

  1. Please select your group here. 
  2. You can now change the time in the 'General' -> 'Job Start Time' -> 'System default' area.

Adjust backup time


For individual machines:

  1. In the Commvault Console, please navigate to the server entry for which you want to adjust the backup start time. To do this, please click on 'Manage' -> 'Servers', search for the name with the filter 'Type=all' and select the machine.

Adjust backup time

  1. If you click on 'General', next to 'Job Start Time' there is a hover in pencil icon that you can use to set the start time.

Adjust backup time


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last changed on 01/08/2024

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