You are located in service: Software Engineering Services (GitLab)

Manage Groups

Manage Groups


Add Group

To be able to create a group, you must be authenticated using the RWTH Single Sign-On. As a GitHub user you cannot create groups.

  • Call up the website or
  • Assign a group name under "Group name

  • The "Group URL" is automatically filled in after the project name.

  • The "Group description" can be filled with a description of the group.

  • Under "Group avatar" you can define a group picture

  • Under "Visibility level" you can define the visibility level of the group.

  • Click on "Creat group" to create the group

Show group members

To create an overview of all group members, type Browser

  •<Groups Name>/-/group_members or
  •<Groups Name>/-/group_members.

In this view you can also add or remove members or leave the group yourself.

last changed on 07/14/2022

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