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General information

fIT in IT


Under the patronage of the IT Center the fIT Team of the RWTH Aachen offers since 2008 free information technology seminars and workshops for students. The team consists of student assistants at the University. Participants in fIT classes learn the basics of web services and software applications required in their course of study. In this way, students can learn to use the available resources more effectively.

The project is funded through the Teaching Quality Improvement Fund of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is to help improve teaching and learning at universities.

The fIT team has been certified for Microsoft Office. These certifications are continually updated.

The course instructors have equired the Microsoft certificate „Office Specialist“. Most members of the team have already equired the certificate in presentation techniques (DGSS-Zertifikat Rhetorik in der Erwachsenenbildung). The rest of the team are in the process of certification.

More courses will be offered eventually durring the following semester. More courses may be offered in case of demand!