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Introduction to MATLAB

Introduction to MATLAB



The RWTH-Aachen acquired a MATLAB-Campus license in 2007. This allows employees and students of the university to use this software, which can be used to solve many maths- and technical problems and is used in diverse industry applications. MATLAB is used, for example, in controller design, in the simulation of dynamic systems, for static calculations or even in image processing, among many other applications.

This introductory course offers an opportunity to learn the basic functions of MATLAB and to prepare yourself for future MATLAB-projects in your studies or work.



  • All currently available courses are listed on the RWTHonline course search.

Content of the Course

  • Installation and MATLAB-Toolboxes
  • Basics of Programming
  • Vectors, Matrices and Operators
  • Creating scripts in the MATLAB-editor
  • Error Handling
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Graphical Representation
  • Data Structures
  • Data and Fitting
  • GUI-Introduction
  • GUI-Programming

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • Using the help and doc functions to correct their mistakes independently.
  • Split complex problems into smaller partial problems.
  • Solve partial problems by themselves.
  • Describe the basic program structure of MATLAB.
  • Analyse complex code and assess its efficiency.
  • Create a GUI in MATLAB.
  • Recognize issues and problems of calculations in MATLAB and be able to find workarounds.
  • Accurately describe problems with the translation into technical language.
  • Communicate about problems and find solutions with students from other fields.
  • Work and cooperate in diverse teams.


  • 12 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes


Contact Person


last changed on 09/08/2023

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