FAQ - Alcatel phone system
The following phone types are provided: Alcatel Alcatel 8028, 8029,8038, 8039, 8068, DECT 8232
last changed on 04/28/2023
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Current prices can be enquired at our IT-ServiceDesk.
last changed on 04/28/2023
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By entering * * 8 you can switch your device to DTMF in order to e.g. use speech automated telephone services. The feature automatically expires once the connection is terminated.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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There will be no briefing on site. You can find documentation on the Alcatel telephone system and the CISCO telephone system here on IT Center Help
If you have any questions, please contact the IT-ServiceDesk.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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You should not exchange phones of different types since the types and related functions are centrally configured on the telephone system. If an exchange should be necessary, please submit an application for relocation.
last changed on 07/14/2022
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The blank fields are available and can be assigned e.g. one-touch destinations.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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Lock phone: * 3 3
Unlock phone: * 3 3 and password
Default password 0000. You can change the password via i - Progr -Paßw.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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Pick up the receiver of your phone and dial the phone number 118. The phone number of your connection will be announced.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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This announcement is to remind you of the activated call forwarding. However, you can still make phone calls without previously deleting the call forwarding.
last changed on 07/14/2022
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Yes, with 121 + four-digit call number. Delete with 120.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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Dial the phone number during the call. After the connection is established, you can connect the participants by either hanging up the phone or pressing the "Transfer"-key.
last changed on 04/28/2023
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last changed on 07/14/2022
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Please make sure that all cables are connected to the phone, receiver and socket.
You can determine whether the fault is caused by the device by swapping it with a device of the same type (if available). You can then report whether the fault is systemic or caused by a particular device to the fault-clearing service.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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Malfunctions of the Cisco telephone system can be reported to the IT-ServiceDesk via email or telephone.
More detailed information and notes on the required data can be found in the corresponding article.
last changed on 02/26/2025
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The name entries are transferred from the RWTH Person Directory onto the TC system at regular intervals. Therefore, in case of an incorrect display of the name, please initially check the corresponding entry in the RWTH Person Directory. Modifications can be made by the person entitled to change phone book entries.
last changed on 07/03/2023
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- If you want to reach a phone number within the RWTH, it is sufficient to dial the last 5 digits of the phone number, e.g. instead of +492418012345 only 12345.
- For external numbers either start with the prefix code "0" or with "+" and the corresponding country code, e.g. 00241... for Aachen or 00031... or +31... (for the Netherlands)
- This also applies to cell phone numbers.
- These rules also apply when setting up call forwarding!
last changed on 12/15/2022
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