You are located in service: Alcatel phone system

Code numbers

Code numbers


General Indicators 

Outside line0 + call number
Outside line private1 9 + call number
Voice mail71
Paging system for pagers without display1 4 1 + 4-digit pager number
Paging system for pagers with display1 4 2 + 4-digit pager number + callback number
Paging system for pagers with display1 4 3 + 4-digit pager number + automatic post-dialing of your own number
Call transfer university hospital internal1 0
Call transfer university hospital external8 0 - 0
Call transfer RWTH internal1 3
Call transfer RWTH external8 0 - 1
Police (via department)1 1 0
Fire department - university hospital1 1 2 (separated from RWTH)
Fire department - RWTH1 1 2 (separated from university hospital)
Emergency call1 1 3
General disturbances - university hospital1 1 5
General disturbances - RWTH1 1 6
Disturbances phone - university hospital1 1 7 (separated from RWTH)
Disturbances phone - RWTH1 1 7 (separated from university hospital)
Time check1 1 9

Function Indicators

Call forwarding 
Immediate call forwarding* 1 1 followed by number of target extension
Call forwarding when busy* 1 2 followed by number of target extension
Call forwarding after delay (20 sec)* 1 3 followed by number of target extension
Call forwarding after delay/when busy* 1 4 followed by number of target extension
Delete call forwarding* 1 0
Group switching 
Log into group* 2 6
Log off group* 2 5
Retrieve calls 
Retrieve a call (selective)# * + number of the ringing extension
Retrieve a call in a group (non-selective)# #
Convenience function 
Query callback list* 6 1
Callback of last caller* 6 2
Programming functions 
Display charge information: Used charge information will be displayed on the device screen* 3 0
Program personal password (default 0000)* 2 9
Lock phone. After locking device no outgoing external calls can be conducted* 3 3
Unlock phone* 3 3 + password
Adjust display contrast* 3 8
Enter appointment reminder* 6 5 + time (4-digit - SSMM)
Delete appointment reminder* 7 5
DTMF dialing end-to-end* * 8
Initiate callback when free or when busy1
Toggling between 2 calls. One interlocutor is in the queue while you are talking to the other interlocutor.2
Conference switching 2 persons (3 internal, 2 internal + 1 external or 1 internal + 2 external interlocutors) can talk simultaneously.3
Call waiting protection. There is no alter tone when a second caller is in the queue during an existing connection.* 4
Call waiting control. When calling a busy extension, an alter tone can be signaled in the existing call.4
Consultation call8

last changed on 03/27/2023

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