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s3 connection using s3cmd (Linux)

s3 connection using s3cmd (Linux)


To connect to a bucket from the DigitalArchive with an s3 client you need

  • server name:
  • port: 9021
  • Access Key
  • Secret Key
  • Bucket Name

You will get this from the admins of the corresponding data project in SeviRe to which your s3-bucket belongs.


Installation s3cmd via pip

pip install s3cmd

Configuration of s3cmd for s3 buckets

s3cmd --configure

Folgen Sie den Konfigurationsschritten:

Access Key: [Read_Acc]
Secret Key: [Read_Priv]
Default Region [US]: us-east-1 

S3 Endpoint:

DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket: [bucketname XXXX-XXXXX...]

Encryption password:
Path to GPG program: [e.g. /usr/bin/gpg]

Use HTTPS protocol: Yes
HTTP Proxy server name: [empty]
HTTP Proxy server port: [empty]

Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n]: y
Save settings? [y/N]: y

Lists od objects in bucket

s3cmd ls s3://[bucket name]

Downloading an object from bucket

s3cmd get s3://[bucket name]/[filename]

last changed on 04/28/2023

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