You are located in service: DigitalArchive

Creating a Dataproject

Creating a Dataproject


Your data is managed in data projects. For each data project, a bucket is created on the object storage (s3), in which your data to be archived is located.

The creation and administration of a data project is done via the SeviRe platform (self-service of virtual resources).

The access to the data bucket is done by any clients, which are able to handle the s3 protocol. Some home routers that only use UDP (cannot use TCP) to resolve domain names will only have limited access to storage services.


Each data project can have several admins.

  • Admins can manage the data of the data project in SeviRe.
  • They also control write or read access for s3 users to the s3 bucket

S3 users are defined in each data project

  • These have read or write access to the bucket


Data projects are created in SeviRe via the "DigitalArchive" tab.

After you have accepted terms of use, you will see a listing of your institution's data projects.

Via the button "Create Dataproject" you can create a new project

Then you can define the management data for your project

  1. Name: Any name for your data project
  2. Instituition: Select your institution (IKZ input possible)
  3. Admins: You are automatically created as an admin for this data project. Here you can define further admins from your institution (the IKZ). Note: Each user must have registered once in advance with SeviRe.
  4. Expiration date: Here you define for how long the archive should be kept. As default, 10 years (at the same time the maximum value) are set up. Important: Admins can extend the retention period at any time.
  5. Estimated size: Here you define how much memory quota is needed for your project. This defines the size of the corresponding s3 bucket.
  6. Metadata: Here you describe what kind of data will be stored in the archive.
  7. No personal data: With the check mark you indicate whether you have stored personal data in this archive. This may have legal and privacy implications on long-term access to the archived data. See terms of use.
Via Create you generate the data project.


Managing dataproject and s3-users

last changed on 04/28/2023

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