s3 connection using s3cmd (Linux)
To connect to a bucket from the DigitalArchive with an s3 client you need
- old ECS: server name: digitalarchiv.s3.fds.rwth-aachen.de
- old ECS: port: 9021
- new HCP: server name: https://digitalarchiv.hcp-carl.dasi.rwth-aachen.de
- new HCP: port: 443
- Access Key
- Secret Key
- Bucket Name
You can view the endpoint (ECS or HCP) on the data project info page. You will get this from the admins of the corresponding data project in SeviRe to which your s3-bucket belongs.
Installation s3cmd via pip
pip install s3cmd
Configuration of s3cmd for s3 buckets
s3cmd --configure
Folgen Sie den Konfigurationsschritten:
Access Key: [Read_Acc]
Secret Key: [Read_Priv]
Default Region [US]:
S3 Endpoint:
DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket: [bucketname XXXX-XXXXX...]
Encryption password:
Path to GPG program: [e.g. /usr/bin/gpg]
Use HTTPS protocol: Yes
HTTP Proxy server name: [empty]
HTTP Proxy server port: [empty]
Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n]: y
Save settings? [y/N]: y
Lists od objects in bucket
s3cmd ls s3://[bucket name]
Downloading an object from bucket
s3cmd get s3://[bucket name]/[filename]