FAQ - SharePoint Shared Services
- Please direct your concrete inquiry (incl. usage scenarios) to servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de. We will then send you all further information.
last changed on 27.03.2023
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- All further information, including costs, will be provided after your inquiry via e-mail.
last changed on 27.03.2023
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In most cases no.
- For students the sharepoint system will use the @rwth-aachen.de e-mail address.
- For employees the sharepoint system will use their office e-mail address from RWTHcontacts.
- For other user groups the system will use their contact e-mail address, which is configured at the RWTH Selfservice.
As a Workaround you could configure a redirect rule using the RWTH Webmailer, which triggers for the sender "sharepoint@rz.rwth-aachen.de" and redirects the messages to an alternative e-mail address.
last changed on 03.07.2023
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- You can fix any display issues with SharePoint sites after the migration to Sharepoint 2013 through the following actions:
Please go to the "Tools" section in the Internet Explorer, now choose "Internet options" and go to the "Security" tab. Choose the option "Local Intranet" and click on the Button "Sites". You can now add the Sharepoint-URL after clicking "Advanced" in the now opened window. Add the URL of the Sharepoint and apply the changes.
Additionally the option "show intranet sites in compatibility view" under "Tools" =>"Settings of the compatibility view" should be set to true.
last changed on 27.03.2023
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