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TAN list (one-time security codes)

TAN list (one-time security codes)

On this page you will learn how to create a TAN list. This is intended as a backup in case you have lost your other tokens.

Important: If you cancel the generation of the TAN list, you will be locked out of the Token Manager and must visit one of the two IT-ServiceDesk locations during opening hours with a valid ID document for identity verification.

All users must create the token "TAN list (one-time security codes)", download it, and save it locally.

This token type can be used for authentication of the following services:

  • RWTH Single Sign-On
  • VPN

Instruction for set up

To configure this type of token, please choose "TAN list (one-time security codes)" in the Token Manager in IdM Selfservice.

Step 1: Assign a self-selected description to the token and download it.

Step 2: To increase security, the TAN lists (pdf file) are automatically protected with a password.

Please set your password of you own choosing according the the RWTH password guidlines (at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit, at least 1 letter). To do so, please enter your password in "password" and "repeat password", then click on "create".

Important: After you have set your password, you cannot view or change it. Please ensure that no unauthorized third party can view your password.

Step 3: The TAN list token generates a list of one-time security codes. Please store this list securely, as it is used as a fallback in case your other tokens are lost or otherwise unavailable, as long as there are still unused codes.

Each individual code can only be used once.

Make sure to generate a new TAN list before using the last code on your current list.

Note: The TAN list token cannot be deactivated or deleted as long as another token is still active. This ensures account access in cases where any other assigned tokens are lost. 
It is recommended that you use the TAN list primarily as backup to reset lost further tokens. Always generate a new TAN list before you have used up the last of the ten one-time security codes. 

last changed on 03/28/2024

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