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Duration and termination of sciebo

Duration and termination of sciebo


Participation in sciebo is bound to the membership of your respective institution. As soon as the duration of your sciebo account has to be renewed, you will receive a notification email. You can renew/extend your account duration through the official sciebo site using "My.Sciebo" button, as long as your Shibboleth login is active.




You can use sciebo for six months after you lose the membership of your institution(example: exmatriculation).

The overview of deadlines is as follows:

  • expiration date = registration date + 6 months
  • suspension date = expiration date + 6 months = registration date + 12 months
  • deletion date = suspension date + 3 months = registration date + 15 months

Extend the account

In order to extend your sciebo account (see above for requirements) do the following:

  1.     Open my.sciebo.
  2.     Click on "extend account" (Account verlängern)
  3.     Confirm the extension.

last changed on 03/27/2023

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