FAQ - Webhosting

FAQ - Webhosting

Which software versions are used?
How does the web-upload work?
Are websites encrypted (https)?
What must be observed regarding blogs?
How do I get information on PHP?
How do I cancel a webspace?
How can I add a new contact person?
What does "delete coupon" in the contact person menu mean?
How can I apply for a database/an alias?
What does "IKZ" or "All IKZs" in the contact person menu mean?
Which personal data are stored?
How do I become a contact person?
How do I apply for a new website?
How many persons can be registered as contact person for one URL?
Whom can I contact if i have a question or a problem?
Do I have to give my telephone number?
Data protection webhosting
How do I get activated as an admin for the IT Center Eventblog?