You are located in service: Overleaf

How do I get an Overleaf license?

How do I get an Overleaf license?


The software can be used by anyone who has an active IdM account. A total of 500 licenses are available, these are currently provided free of charge. The login is handled via Shibboleth. You can create an account here.

The "on-premise" version of Overleaf will be used. Please be aware that the following features differ from the cloud version:

  1. External employees are displayed as "Anonymous" when editing or commenting
  2. There is no cloud storage, as Overleaf On-Premise is being used
  3. No connection to Gitlab or Github is possible.


Before initially signing in via our Shibboleth with your username, it is critical to check that your current contact email address is entered in the IdM Selfservice! The entered address can be checked, and changed as needed, using the this guide.

Should the incorrect email address be entered, please make sure to change it. Once the email address is correct, you can sign in using this link.

You can find a service description, documentation, FAQs etc. that have been provided by TU Darmstadt for getting started with Overleaf/ShareLaTeX on the Website of TU Darmstadt.

last changed on 02/05/2024

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