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Please note
With the RWTHjupyter service, the IT Center provides all teachers and students at RWTH with a central JupyterHUB / Jupyter Notebooks infrastructure for teaching.
Jupyter notebooks are web-based, interactive applications whose contents can be texts, equations, visualisations and source code. The JupyterHUB platform provides a way to organise access to and execution of Jupyter Notebooks.
If you are a researcher or require more hardware resources, consider the HPC JupyterHub instead.
The HPC JupyterHub uses the RWTH High Performance Computing and is used for research and interactive HPC.
Service Description
With RWTHjupyter the IT Center provides in collaboration with the Institute for Automation of Complex systems all users with access to an interactive computing platform.
The cluster has been funded by the Projekt Digitale Lehr-/Lerninfrastrukturen DH NRW in 2019 and is thereby provided cost-free to all students and employees of the RWTH.
The RWTHjupyter cluster consists of 7 Dell PowerEdge R740xd servers with the following configuration:
7x Dell PowerEdge 740xd:
- Dual Socket Systems: 2x 16C / 32T Xeon Gold 5218 2,3 Ghz
- Redundant Dual 10 GigE links
- 768 GB DDR4 RAM / node (5.376 GB total)
- 100 TB SSD Storage in Ceph
Additionally, 1 of the nodes is equipped with:
- 2x NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPGPUs
Software Configuration
RWTHjupyter runs on a highly-available Kubernetes cluster using the Zero 2 JupyterHub project.