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Creating an Administration Account

Creating an Administration Account


You can set up additional administration accounts in the Cisco Secure Endpoint Console.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Cisco Secure Endpoint Console and log in.

Step 2: Then select the menu item Administration → Users and click on the +New User button.

Das Bild zeigt die Cisco Secure Endoint Console, den Bereich "Administration" und die Option "New User" zum Hinzufügen von neunen Adminisatrationsaccounts.

Step 3: In the following dialog, fill in the first and last name and e-mail address fields.

Das Bild zeigt ein Dialog-Fenster der Cisco Secure Endpoint Console mit der Option zur Eingabe vom den Vor- und Nachnamen und der E-Mail-Adresse für das Anlegen von einem neuen Administrationsaccount

Step 4: Next click on Create.

Step 5: An invitation will now be sent to the e-mail address provided. Accepting the invitation activates the account. You can find instructions on how to do this under Activating an admin account.

last changed on 11/19/2024

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