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General information

RWTH Antivirus Protection



Please note

In contrast to the previous national license agreements with Sophos, no licenses for private use by students or employees are included into the current agreement. 

In response to the increasing threat posed by viruses, worms and the like, RWTH Aachen University has been participating in various state license agreements that enable the cost-effective use of professional endpoint security solutions since 2006.

Under the current agreement, RWTH Aachen University organizations can use Cisco Secure Endpoint software, a cloud-supported security solution for detecting viruses, malware and other attack scenarios, free of charge.

Who is allowed to use Cisco Secure Endpoint?

RWTH organizations can get a Cisco Secure Endpoint Instanz free of charge.

How can one access the Cisco Secure Endpoint?

To be able to use the Cisco Secure Endpoint, you need to set up an instance and activate an administration account.