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Windows LAPS (Windows Local Administrator Password Solution)

Windows LAPS (Windows Local Administrator Password Solution)


What is Windows LAPS?

Windows LAP is a Windows feature that automatically manages and secures the password of a local administrator account on your Windows Server Active Directory (here: ADAM) mounted devices.

Windows LAPS comes natively with the operating system as of Windows Server 2019/Windows 10/11 (CU April 23). Thus, client-side configuration/installation is not required. All necessary server-side configurations on ADAM AD have already been performed by the IT Center. Thus, Windows LAPS is directly usable (if required) for participating institutions.


How do I enable Windows LAPS for my Institution?

To enable Windows LAPS for your facility in ADAM, a corresponding group policy (GPO) must be created.

In any case, make sure that the group of ADAM admins of the respective institution is entered in the setting "Configure authorized password decryptors" (e.g. ADAM\grp_institution prefix).


For more information about Windows LAPS, please refer directly to Microsoft's documentation.

last changed on 10/26/2023

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