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Data classification

Data classification


Sorted by confidentiality level - Protection needs (according to BSI) - Examples:

  • Public – Normal - Data from publicly accessible sources, such as data from the internet (e.g., organization directories), course catalogs, press releases, event programs
  • Internal – Normal - Official, scientific data (e.g., machine data), data from the intranet
  • Confidential – High - Scientific data (e.g., confidential research data), non-public personal data, such as travel or payroll records, network plans, protected theses, examination processes, research results
  • Highly confidential - Very high - Special categories of personal data (personnel file data):
    • racial and ethnic origin
    • political opinions
    • religious or philosophical beliefs
    • union membership
    • genetic data
    • biometric data
    • health data
    • data concerning sexual life
    • data regarding sexual orientation
    • personal data about criminal convictions and offenses

The responsibility for the data lies with the users!

If in doubt, consult with the Data Protection Officer of RWTH Aachen and the staff councils.

last changed on 02/13/2025

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