FAQ - Linux installation server
Due to a lack of time, it is occasionally possible that a new version of a distribution has not yet been mirrored on the installation and update server. Do not hesitate to send us a note via e-mail. We strive to trigger the mirror process in a timely manner.
last changed on 04/28/2023
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If the available disk space on the server becomes too small, we delete older distributions that have reached the end-of-life date. For these versions, the distributor has already discontinued support and no further updates will be made available. In this case you should use a more recent version of the operating system.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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Unfortunately our personnel and hardware capacities are limited, so that we cannot offer any further distributions at the moment.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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The reasons for this can be versatile. In general, access to the installation and update server via HTTPS is possible only from the RWTH networks. In addition, this works only with computers with a valid DNS record which resolves to .rwth aachen.de. If the server can still not be accessed, the problem is usually caused by a misconfiguration of the network or by a firewell which is blocking access. Please check your network configuration and alternatively try accessing the server via FTP.
last changed on 06/13/2023
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The reasons for this can be versatile. In general, access to the installation and update server via FTP is possible only from the RWTH networks. If you should not be able to get access from the RWTH networks, the problem is usually caused by a misconfiguration of the network or by a firewall that is blocking access. Please check your network configuration and alternatively try accessing the server via HTTP.
last changed on 03/27/2023
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