You are located in service: LDAP address directory

Integration of LDAP in Mozilla Thunderbird

Integration of LDAP in Mozilla Thunderbird


Please note:

By integrating the DFN-LDAP as address book, the certificate and public key of people, with which you initially want to communicate confidentially, can be used . Therefore, every user certificate should be published.

  • In Thunderbird select the "Burger Menu" (three stripes) on the right and choose settings
  • Open the "Composition" tab
  • Scroll to "Addressing"
  • Check "Directory Server" and click "Edit Directories..."
    Thunderbird 9
  • click on "Add" and make the following settings:
    Thunderbird 10

    Thunderbird 11
  • Name: Name of the Address Book (RWTH LDAP, RWTH Address Book..)
    Basis-DN: For people: ou=People,dc=rwth-aachen,dc=de OR for GÉANT/TCS user certificates: o=RWTH Aachen University,ou=GEANT/TCS,dc=rwth-aachen,dc=de
    Port-Nummer: 636
    Bind-DN: keep empty
    Check "Use secure connection (SSL)"
  • klick "OK"
  • After that, the address book can be found under "Address Book" in the menu bar

If you wish to integrate multiple address books (e.g. People and GÉANT/TCS user certificates), you must add an LDAP directory server for each by repeating the corresponding steps above.

last changed on 10/30/2023

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